Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 12, 2010 - First Day at My New Home

When I arrived in Okinawa, I met my host family, the Tomita family. For a treat we ate shushi when we got there and then ate salmon and tuna, and I was suprised I didn't throw up! Then we reached their house, which they said it was small, but it's bigger than my house! They have flats screens, ps3, computer and hundreds of movies and video games. That night I met all of my brothers and my cousin and okasan (my mother) and ojisan (my uncle). We also we ate pig head and onions and bell peppers and sausage. Today my cousin, okasan, and brother Masato took me to Naha Main Street we bought groceries and my school clothes. We had tropical drinks and we visited Shurijo Castle. Here is a picture of me with my Okasan, brother Hiroto and brother Masato.


  1. Landon, I'm glad you're finally able to post. Please keep it up! I can't believe you ate all that food. It sounds like you have a wonderful host family. PLEASE post a picture of you with your family! Keep posting!

  2. I'm not sure I could eat there in Japan - so proud of you!!!! I bet the Shurijo Castle was great.

  3. Wow - sounds like a great time so far. And the food sounds interesting. Alas, I must live vicariously through you. Can't wait to see pictures and hear stories in the fall.

  4. Thanks for the picture of your family! They are a nice-looking group! We miss you. Blog about your school day and what the kids think of you and what you're studying.

  5. I probably wouldn't be able to eat much over there! Sounds like you are settling in and having a great time-keep posting!

  6. Lando! Glad to hear that you have not starved yet and are actually trying new things. When I eat sushi, I usually order teriyaki zucchini maki. Your family looks nice!
